hello, world!
I’ve been charging into different directions on my journey to build a bridge between health and tech (NLP and LLMs, I’m looking at you). There is so much potential and I have so many ideas!
So, lately I’ve been:
- grinding through fast.ai Practical Deep Learning for Coders (just finished the 4th lesson this week)
- exploring website domain name stuff and setting up an website of my previous project (Primary care KPIs exploration tool, mgfhub.com)
- reconnecting to social media (I’ve been away for a while now), setting up linkedin, twitter and joining relevant discord servers
- after completing Postgraduate Program in Information Management and Business Intelligence in Healthcare @NOVA IMS, I felt the need to keep learning about data mining, so i’m doing a single course on Predictive Methods of Data Mining
- exploring DL, ML, NLP and LLM main concepts and recent developments (looking at you chatbase.co, ChatPDF and Quarto Help Bot)
- trying and failing implementing LLMs with jupyter notebooks
- exploring how to start a blog (thanks fast.ai for the push!)
Initially I thought implementing a blog with Dash and publish it on pythonanywhere.com, since I’ve worked with Flask in the past months. But that would take more time to set up something that might be already solved.
During fast.ai lessons Jeremy talked about fastpages, but seems that the project has been discontinued.
I found REPL Notes, it had a pretty and simple solution. It seems that the paid version wasn’t functioning right and it was too strict for personalization.
I ended up with fastpages’ sucessor quatro.org. It offers enough personalization with clean and minimalistic visuals (thanks bootstrap). It has both code snippets and python visual implementation available. cool B-)
That’s what I appreciate the most: efficient implementation and task automation that saves time.
I’m super excited about the upcoming future (with NLP everywhere!). Now that I have finished implementing my blog, I can check it out from my to-do list:)